Kitty Rescue, and the Power of Blogging

I normally try to keep my blogs very work targeted, but I recently came across a really heartwarming story that I wanted to share here.

Gracy Bonney, whose blog Design Sponge  is overflowing with design inspring posts, recently found a stray kitten. The poor little thing was out in the freezing cold, underweight, and when they took her to the vet she tested positive for FIV. You can read the whole blog here (and I suggest you do, it is really wonderful), but the quick version is that becuase Gracey blogged about this and reached out to her readers, she was able to find a forever home for the kitten.

Just look how happy that kitty is : )

Not only is this story inspiring to me as an animal lover, it is inspiring to me as someone who blogs. No only is blogging a tool for building a business, it is also a way to connect people from all different spheres of life. The internet has given us instant access to people near and far, who come together to read and share and bond over common interests. So, I just wanted to post today to celebrate that : )

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