Going Green!

A funny video to start a post with, I know… but a recent Huffington Post article on the topic of Portlander using goats to graze away invasive plants made me really realize how serious people are about finding positive environmental solutions here.

Portland is a city where going green is embraced as a way of life. Urban Farming is growing, and it is not uncommon to see chickens and perhaps a goat or two in a residential neighborhood. This push for living green has promoted some really exciting eco housing, the most recent of which is the K-Station Condos that I’m staging.

For those of you who remember all the green cleaning tips I’ve posted from time to time, projects like this are very close to my heart. K-Station is LEED Platinum certified, and features responsibly sourced bamboo hardwood floors, light shelves, a green roof and solar water heating.

To top things off, the K-Station is promoting a portion of their housing to lower income, and first time home buyers. Which is a big deal for a place like Portland where:

“Well-educated young people are disproportionately drawn to Portland…in focus groups people said Portland is a place where you can live your values, and environmentalism is clearly one of them.”

Joe Cortright, “Young and Restless: How Portland Competes for Talent,”



I can’t wait to show you guys pictures of the staging. Till then I’d love to hear about how you incorporate environmental values into your day to day life.

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