My Dog and Cancer

I decided to do a bit of a personal post this week. As you guys (those of you who follow this blog) know, I have been in the process of selling my old home, moving in to my new home, and running my business. On top of all that, around the time I first listed my house, my dog, Kaya, was diagnosed with cancer. This has been an incredibly emotional struggle for both of us, but I am happy to report that she has been strong through all of this, and her treatments have been going really well (thank goodness).

I was very concerned about moving her into the new home, when there has recently been so much change in her life, but as of last week we are officially moved in. So, far she has been excited to explore, and seems to have a bit more energy. Kaya has always been the smarter of my two dogs, which means that she tends to get into a bit of trouble, but after how intense the last few weeks have been it makes me happy to see her being a bit mischievous.

Here’s a picture of my pretty girl, hanging out at our old home before we moved. And here is a link to a funny comic I found that gave me a lot of laughs about how difficult it can be moving with dogs: Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving.

Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive : )

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